Digestive health is critical for achieving healthy, radiant skin. Our gut microbiome is where we detoxify enzymes, metabolise hormones, and produce essential nutrients that directly impact our skin's appearance. Since the skin, hair, and nails are often the last to receive these nutrients, maintaining a balanced gut microbiome is essential for a glowing complexion. Here are 5 tips to ensure your gut microbiome is in good shape, giving you the best chance for beautiful, healthy skin: Choose Natural Foods Opt for natural, minimally processed whole foods. Organic options provide even more benefits, as they are free from chemicals that can compromise your gut microbiome health. If it's difficult to find organic veges here’s a great tip: soak your fruits and vegetables in a mixture of apple cider vinegar and baking soda for 10 minutes to help reduce your exposure to chemicals. Incorporate Prebiotic Foods Foods rich in prebiotics help boost the growth of good bacteria in the microbiome. Excellent sources include bananas, kumara (sweet potato), onions, apples, and Brussels sprouts. Manuka honey is also a fantastic prebiotic food that supports gut microbiome balance. By using Manuka honey to replace refined sugars, you can further reduce the presence of bad bacteria in your microbiome. Start Meals with Lemon Juice Taking lemon juice before each meal can aid digestion thanks to its stimulant qualities. Additionally, avoid drinking liquids during meals, as this can dilute digestive enzymes. Eat Smaller Meals and Chew Slowly Eating smaller meals and chewing your food thoroughly can help ensure it liquefies before swallowing. Saliva contains digestive enzymes that assist in breaking down food effectively. Use Digestive-Friendly Herbs and Spices Certain herbs and spices may aid microbiome health by helping break down animal proteins. Incorporate garlic, ginger, cumin, cayenne, and black pepper into your meals. Herbal options like ginger, aloe vera, peppermint, and licorice root can also promote microbiome balance. By following these tips, you can enhance your gut microbiome health, paving the way for a radiant, glowing complexion. Remember, a balanced microbiome is key to beautiful skin!